Standard Food and Safety Procedure

At Caesars we take Food Safety very seriously, and as such, we follow the strict food safety and sanitation procedures necessary to protect our customers and employees from illness caused by food contamination. Caesars is ISO 22000:2018 certified in Food Safety Management. We closely monitor key areas of sourcing, preparation and serving food to our customers, which include the following:
  • Personal Hygiene
  • Thorough cleaning of Equipment & Utensils
  • Proper Storage and Segregation
  • Cleaning Materials and Chemicals
  • Proper Refuse Disposal
  • Pest Control
We apply these key factors throughout the process from procurement of raw materials to serving food to our customers. Proper food handling techniques, product quality controls, equipment maintenance programs and sound personal hygiene practices, all work together to create a comprehensive sanitation program that protects both Caesars’ employees and customers using our restaurants.

Delivery and receipt ingredients

Food Preparation, Cleaning, and Sanitization
Storage of Ingredients (Dry Storage, Fridges, Freezers)
Food serving

Kitchen Management


Having Proper Protocols for Segregation to avoid cross contamination.


Washing thoroughly all plates, utensils, and cutting boards that touched raw meat, poultry, seafood, or eggs before using them again.


Cooking food at the right temperature and for the correct length of time ensuring free of any pathogens.


Using separate cutting boards, knives and plates for produce, meat, poultry, seafood, and eggs.


Always checking the advice on food packaging and following the cooking instructions provided.


Using separate plates and utensils for cooked and raw foods.

Delicious food, delivered right to your doorstep

With Food Caesars, you can enjoy a wide variety of dishes from the comfort of your own home. Our efficient delivery Delicious food, delivered right to your doorstep